Are Weighted Vests Good For Building Muscle? December 4, 2024Learn all about weighted vests & if they are suitable for building muscle.
Do Weighted Vest Benefit You? April 9, 2024Weighted vests are increasingly popular to add to several exercises, building on strength, endurance and, cardiovascular health. But what are the benefits of wearing a weighted vest? In this guide,...
Can I Build Muscle With Resistance Bands? October 27, 2023Resistance bands have recently gained traction to build muscle as an alternative approach to the typical use ofdumbbells and weight machines. These bands are small but effective pieces of equipment...
Walking With A Weighted Vest. Is It Good For Me? October 27, 2023Are you looking to increase your health and fitness, add some endurance to your Low-intensity steady state (LISS) exercises, or add extra difficulty to your hikes or walking? Doing so...
How Much Should I Pay For Dumbbells (& Why are some so expensive?) October 27, 2023Dumbbells are popular pieces of gym equipment, used for resistance training, strength building and general fitness purposes. But the question many people seem to ask is ‘why do dumbbells cost...
Are Weighted Vests Good For Osteoporosis? October 27, 2023Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that refers to a person's bones being weak and brittle. The body is continuously remodeling bone. If the degeneration of old bone is quicker...